Children's pieces

Sluys, Johan
Each piece can be ordered separately.


Van de Meulebroecke, Alex
Saṃsāra is a Sanskrit word and it’s literal meaning is “wandering through”.Saṃsāra is the repeating cycle of birth, life and death (reincarnation) as well as one’s actions and consequences in the past, present and future in Hinduism and Buddhism.

Ballad - Little Waltz

Aerts, Bart M.J.

Bajoesjki bajoe

Van de Meulebroecke, Alex


Van de Meulebroecke, Alex

Um Mitternacht

Mahler, Gustav
Van der Straeten, Geert


Nees, Vic

Tod der Geliebten

Sluys, Johan

Andante con variazione

Mozart, W.A.
Van de Meulebroecke, Alex


Van de Meulebroecke, Alex

Nachtlied: De avond

Nees, Vic

Tweeklank van aarde en water

Nees, Vic
De zon is rijp op CD Koor van het Jaar 2005-2006 - Gynaika olv. Godfried Van de Vyvere

Seven Madrigals

Nees, Vic

Johnny the Walker

Sluys, Johan