Praeludium - Stella Matutina

Lukács, István
Hongaars volkslied - vrije vertaling door Nele Kintaert

Inwendige stemmen

Schroyens, Raymond


James, William G.
Van der Roost, Jan F.J.
International christmas suite. Also available as an organreduction. Songs separately available.

De gek in de regenton

Schroyens, Raymond


Schroyens, Raymond

Try again (SATB)

Schroyens, Raymond

In the bleak midwinter

Holst, Gustav
Vits, Koen

Three Songs about Love

Lukács, István
audio-samples with pronounciations available.

Four Songs for Children

Lukács, István

Amarilli, mia bella

Schroyens, Raymond

Ave Maria

Vits, Koen

Wees gegroet

Vits, Koen

Fantasy for Flutes

Lukács, István

Three Canticles

Schroyens, Raymond

Ronsard en amour

Schroyens, Raymond

Tel uw herinneringen

Schroyens, Raymond
Vits, Koen

Kind'ren zwijgt

Vits, Koen

Een sneeuwwit vogeltje

Vits, Koen