
Schroyens, Raymond
compulsory work EMJ Neerpelt


Schroyens, Raymond

Schip aan de kade

Schroyens, Raymond


Schroyens, Raymond

Try again (TBarB)

Schroyens, Raymond


Vits, Koen

O Beata Mater

De Boeck, August

Inwendige stemmen

Schroyens, Raymond

De gek in de regenton

Schroyens, Raymond


Schroyens, Raymond

Try again (SATB)

Schroyens, Raymond

In the bleak midwinter

Holst, Gustav
Vits, Koen

Amarilli, mia bella

Schroyens, Raymond

Ave Maria

Vits, Koen

Wees gegroet

Vits, Koen

The Sick Rose

Pieters, Peter
Plichtwerk IKV 2015 - Compulsory work IKV 2015. Mixed voices.

My Pretty Rose Tree

Pieters, Peter
Plichtwerk IKV 2015 - Compulsory work IKV 2015. Equal voices Men

A Red, Red Rose

Pieters, Peter
Plichtwerk IKV 2015 - Compulsory work IKV 2015. Equal voices Women.

Three Canticles

Schroyens, Raymond