The Space between

van Steenberge, Sebastiaan
in opdracht van Inge Sykora en Calorosa vzw voor "Goed geSTEMd 2024".

Spirto 6

Bilbao, Irma


Coryn, Roland
compulsory work EMJ Neerpelt


James, William G.
Van der Roost, Jan F.J.
International christmas suite. Also available as an organreduction. Songs separately available.

The Sick Rose

Pieters, Peter
Plichtwerk IKV 2015 - Compulsory work IKV 2015. Mixed voices.

My Pretty Rose Tree

Pieters, Peter
Plichtwerk IKV 2015 - Compulsory work IKV 2015. Equal voices Men

Songs of Snow

Deckmyn, Alex

Cradle Song

Coryn, Roland

Hälfte des Lebens

Posman, Lucien


Slootmaekers, Martin