Songs of Nature

Coenen, Jo

Easter Songs

Coenen, Jo

At sea: At Eternity's Gate

Budai, Erika
Plichtwerk IKV 2022 - Compulsory work IKV 2022. Equal voices Men

At sea: Sailing Ship

Budai, Erika
Plichtwerk IKV 2022 - Compulsory work IKV 2022. Mixed voices.

At sea: Seashell

Budai, Erika
Plichtwerk IKV 2022 - Compulsory work IKV 2022. Equal voices Women.

Missa leonis

Coenen, Jo

Salve Regina

Coenen, Jo
An organized improvisation based on Gregorian plainchant-neumen

Tot de mane

Bataillie, Luc

Sibillijnse Vocalise

Bataillie, Luc


Bataillie, Luc

Antifoon and hymne

Bataillie, Luc