4 kerstmotetten

Slootmaekers, Martin

Konomichi ya

Slootmaekers, Martin

Iza kodomo

Slootmaekers, Martin

Aki fukaki

Slootmaekers, Martin

De Bomen

Slootmaekers, Martin

Vidimus Stellam

Graham, J. Lee

O be joyful

Slootmaekers, Martin
compulsory work EMJ Neerpelt - Latin version available (ord.nr.: 2021/018)

Iubilate et cantate

Slootmaekers, Martin
English version available " O be joyful" (series EMJ - ord. nr. 2021/027)

Belman's song

Slootmaekers, Martin

The owl

Slootmaekers, Martin

Gorgeous nothings

De Cock, Nicolas

Only Remembered (mixed)

Sankey, Ira D.
De Cock, Nicolas

Only Remembered (equal)

Sankey, Ira D.
De Cock, Nicolas

In Flanders Fields

De Cock, Nicolas

Negro spirituals

Geeurickx, Emmanuel