4 kerstmotetten

Slootmaekers, Martin

Konomichi ya

Slootmaekers, Martin

Iza kodomo

Slootmaekers, Martin

Aki fukaki

Slootmaekers, Martin

De Bomen

Slootmaekers, Martin

At sea: At Eternity's Gate

Budai, Erika
Plichtwerk IKV 2022 - Compulsory work IKV 2022. Equal voices Men

At sea: Sailing Ship

Budai, Erika
Plichtwerk IKV 2022 - Compulsory work IKV 2022. Mixed voices.

At sea: Seashell

Budai, Erika
Plichtwerk IKV 2022 - Compulsory work IKV 2022. Equal voices Women.

O be joyful

Slootmaekers, Martin
compulsory work EMJ Neerpelt - Latin version available (ord.nr.: 2021/018)

Iubilate et cantate

Slootmaekers, Martin
English version available " O be joyful" (series EMJ - ord. nr. 2021/027)

Belman's song

Slootmaekers, Martin

The owl

Slootmaekers, Martin

Shall i compare thee

Slootmaekers, Martin

A musical sonnet

Slootmaekers, Martin

Summer Fires

Slootmaekers, Martin

Now is the month of maying

Slootmaekers, Martin
compulsory work EMJ Neerpelt

In Flanders fields

Lambrechts, Jean

The Arrow and the Song

Slootmaekers, Martin