A peaceful day

Christiaens, Alex

Perpetuum mobile

Van Marcke, Karel

Nocturne sérénade (score)

Maurage, Augusto
Nocturne sérénade has a dancing Cielito (Argentina song) air, where the central theme, with its sound material, gives the piece a refined, romantic and elegant feel.

Un sorriso e una lacrima

Christiaens, Alex
Compulsory work 2016 - Conservatorium Leuven - Dirk Van Onckelen

Suite for Organ

Van Marcke, Karel

On a Sunday Morning

Christiaens, Alex


Christiaens, Alex

Pretty Times

Christiaens, Alex


Christiaens, Alex

Petite suite

Christiaens, Alex

S kytici v ruce

Suk, Josef
Geuns, Jan M.C.


Christiaens, Alex