Fantasia in G min

Pachelbell, Johann
Blue, Thomas

Fantasia in G min

Pachelbell, Johann
Blue, Thomas

Poema breve

Bottiroli, José A.

Polka van Hofstade

Sluys, Johan


Sluys, Johan

Nocturne sérénade (score)

Maurage, Augusto
Nocturne sérénade has a dancing Cielito (Argentina song) air, where the central theme, with its sound material, gives the piece a refined, romantic and elegant feel.

Children's pieces

Sluys, Johan
Each piece can be ordered separately.

Canon in Dmaj

Pachelbell, Johann
Mees, Myriam

Johnny the Walker

Sluys, Johan

Icarus' vlucht

Sluys, Johan