Fantasia in G min

Pachelbell, Johann
Blue, Thomas

Fantasia in G min

Pachelbell, Johann
Blue, Thomas

Polka van Hofstade

Sluys, Johan


Sluys, Johan

Nocturne sérénade (score)

Maurage, Augusto
Nocturne sérénade has a dancing Cielito (Argentina song) air, where the central theme, with its sound material, gives the piece a refined, romantic and elegant feel.

Children's pieces

Sluys, Johan
Each piece can be ordered separately.

Canon in Dmaj

Pachelbell, Johann
Mees, Myriam


Arnauts, Stijn

Johnny the Walker

Sluys, Johan

Icarus' vlucht

Sluys, Johan

Neue Wiener Ländler

Lanner, Josef
Geuns, Jan M.C.